
Flavobacterium psychrophilum



Type: Flavobacterium psychrophilum
  • intramuscular injection

  • immersion

  • cohabitation

  • Rainbow trout

  • Parr


Flavobacterium psychrophilum is the causative agent of bacterial cold-water disease in salmonids. Rainbow trout is particularly susceptible to infection which leads to rainbow trout fry syndrome. The bacteria are horizontally transmitted during disease outbreaks and may survive for long periods of time by formation of biofilms. 

Challenge models 

VESO Aqualab has developed experimental challenge models for rainbow trout. Challenge can be done by intramuscular injection, cohabitation of naïve fish with i.m. injected shedder fish or immersion. The trials are performed with parr in freshwater at 12°C. 

Figure 1: Mortality after challenge by intramuscular injection and cohabitation. Parr 20 grams.

Figure 2: Mortality after challenge by immersion. Parr 40 grams.

Marie Løvoll

Research Director, PhD
+47 975 21 869